Our AGM: Your club needs you!


We will be holding our Annual General Meeting virtually on 28th July 2020 at 7.30pm using Zoom.

It's important that as many of our members attend as possible, as we will discuss and vote on some important club matters, including appointing new Committee members. This is our chance to look back on what we have achieved as a club over the past year, but it’s also your opportunity to be part of shaping the future of HVCC.

We particularly welcome applications from women and people from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds who are under-represented on the committee, in the club and in cycling more widely. Being part of the committee is a crucial way to ensure that we can continue building a club culture that is welcoming and inclusive of all cyclists.

Together, we will elect Committee members for the roles below. Roles marked with an asterisk (*) are currently vacant:

  • Chair*

  • Vice Chair*

  • Club Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Membership Secretary*

  • Rides Coordinator

  • Social Secretary**

  • Lead Designer

  • Welfare Officer (female)*

  • Welfare Officer (male)

  • BAME Champion*

  • Women's Champion*

  • Special Rides Coordinator

  • Directeur Sportif

  • Communications Officers (x2) 

    **Andrew Russell has announced his intention to step down as Social Secretary at the AGM.

Please do consider standing for a position: no previous experience is necessary, and we are all volunteers who fit in our Committee work alongside full time jobs and busy lives! Please speak to a Committee member if you would like any more information about what’s involved in any of the roles.  

If you can’t make it on the night you can still stand for a position by providing a short statement in advance. If you would like to do, or if you have any other questions, please speak to a Committee member or email hello@hubvelo.cc

We hope to see you at the AGM - joining details will be supplied via WhatsApp and email.

The Hub Velo CC Committee.


AGM and Committee UPDATE


Coronavirus update