Hub Velo CC Policies

The Hub Vélo CC committee with input from our member have put these policies together because we want to ensure we have a culture in the club where all members are

-  Welcome, included and feel like they belong

-  Safe from harm and abuse

-  Respected for who they are and what they bring

-  Empowered to play their part in the club

-  Able to confidently participate in club activities.

These will be reviewed on a timely basis and update accordingly.

Policies overview

  • Ride Rules and Etiquette

  • Code of conduct

  • Equality and Inclusion Policy

  • Anti-Bullying and microaggression policy

  • Safeguarding at Hub Vélo CC

  • Data Protection Policy

  • Social Media Policy

Ride Rules and Etiquette

We expect everyone on a Hub ​Velo​ CC ride to respect for their fellow riders and other road-users. Please follow these rules at all times.

Joining Hub Velo CC rides

  • Please ensure you are capable of riding within the advertised pace range for a ride. These are outlined in advance on Spond. If you struggle to keep up or push the pace too high, the Ride Captain may speak with you about splitting the group or taking an alternative route back. If you are unsure about your ability to maintain the advertised pace, it is advisable that you carry navigation and be prepared to be self-sufficient.

  • Please get to rides on time. We will have a short briefing before each ride covering the itinerary and rider safety and then get going. Please respect the instructions of the Ride Leader throughout the ride.

  • If you can no longer make a ride you signed up for, please decline the event on Spond and/or message the Ride Captain to let them know. No one likes waiting around early in the morning not knowing if you're coming or not.

  • At all times follow the instructions of your Ride Captain.

Rules of the road

  • Please follow the highway-code at all times, including stopping at red-lights and riding no more than two-abreast.

  • Please respect ALL other road users including drivers, pedestrians, runners, dog walkers and horse riders. Always slow down and soft pedal when you see horses (the sound of a free hub can scare horses)

  • Please remember, If you are on a club ride you are representing the club, and by affiliation the shop.

  • Where appropriate and safe to do so, allow drivers to pass you on narrow roads.

Kit for rides

  • Always carry ​spare tubes, tyres, a pump, some food ​and water and bring some cash for coffee stops!

  • Have a bike with drop handlebars, gears and road tyres. We occasionally run off road and casual rides where flat-bar bikes will be suitable, but these are not ideal for our club rides.

  • Ensure your bike is well maintained and roadworthy.

  • Helmets are compulsory on Hub Velo CC rides.

  • Wear appropriate cycling specific clothing (no jeans etc.). If wearing baggy clothes you will have to work harder to keep up!

  • Clip in shoes are advised, although not compulsory.

  • All riders should understand and use gears, brakes and be confident riding on the road and in traffic with your bike. You will be riding in a group and your ability on the bike will affect those around you. You have a responsibility not to endanger your fellow riders.

Code of conduct

The aim of this code of conduct is to provide a framework that Hub Vélo CC may use to maintain satisfactory standards of conduct, encourage improvement where necessary, and offer a framework for disciplinary action against a member or the parent of a junior member.

Members should at all times maintain professional and responsible standards of conduct. This means that members should:

  • Follow the club rules, policies and this code of conduct.

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of other members and third parties.

  • Comply with reasonable instructions given by club officials (Committee members, ride leaders or members leading an activity) and by other officials, such as race officials.

  • Act at all times with respect for others, in good faith and in the best interests of the club.

Examples of failure to comply with the club code of conduct (normally considered misconduct) include:

  • A minor breach of club policies.

  • Refusing to follow instructions from a club or race official.

  • Obscene language or other offensive behaviour.

Examples of a serious breach of the code of conduct include:

  • Unlawful discrimination or harassment.

  • Physical violence or bullying.

  • Bringing the club into disrepute.

  • Causing loss, damage or injury through serious negligence.

  • Theft or fraud.

  • A serious breach of health and safety rules.

  • A serious breach of confidence.

  •  A serious breach of club or British Cycling policies and procedures.

  • The use of banned or illegal substances.

  • Unauthorised use or disclosure of confidential information.

It is club policy to ensure that any disciplinary matter is dealt with fairly and that steps are taken to establish the facts.

For minor breaches the first step will be for issues to be resolved through mediation with the assistance of the committee. For more serious or repeated breaches disciplinary action will be taken, this should not be taken without the club member(s), or parent of a junior member(s), being provided with the following:

  •  A written summary of the allegations.

  • An independent hearing between the involved parties, heard and facilitated by members of the club committee (usually the chair and secretary), before any decision is reached.

  • The right to an appeal hearing.

Equality and Inclusion Policy

Hub Vélo CC wants a culture where all members feel welcome, included and that they belong. We aim to cultivate an environment where our members are safe from harm and abuse. We respect and celebrate all our members for who they are and what they bring to our club. We aim to make all members feel empowered to play their part in the club and join in and initiate club activities.

Hub Vélo CC is fully committed to equality. We will ensure that no member or volunteer receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of a protected characteristic. Protected characteristics are disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sex, gender and age.

Any form of discrimination will not be tolerated in our club, and we ask all of our members to challenge discriminatory behaviour or language and report any incidents they have experienced or witnessed to the welfare officers.

We will work proactively to demonstrate our inclusiveness by celebrating the diversity of the club community, supporting equality campaigns, and working with partners across the local community to create opportunities for under-represented groups to ride with Hub Vélo CC.

We will invite members who consider themselves to have a protected characteristic to form a peer network, facilitated by members of the committee, so that they are steering the committee’s work to ensure ​all​ club members have good experiences.

If you have a protected characteristic and are interested in being involved in a peer network please contact one of the club welfare officers on

Anti-bullying and microaggression policy

Bullying is the repeated use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person, resulting in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can include:

  • Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching or intentionally riding dangerously next to someone.

  • Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation or the continual ignoring of individuals.

  • Posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social media sites or chat groups.

  • Racist, sexist, anti-faith, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, ageist or ableist language or behaviour.

  • Sexual comments, suggestion or behaviour.

  • Unwanted physical contact.

Any form of bullying and harassment will not be tolerated in Hub Vélo CC and will not be considered ‘banter’.

We encourage all members to challenge any bullying and harassment they see, and report any incident, ​no matter how small​, to the club welfare officers via the ​incident form​, ​incident log​, or by emailing ​

After an incident is reported we will:

  • Discuss the potential courses of action with the involved parties.

  • Where the incident involves a member under the age of 18, parents/carers will be informed and asked to attend a meeting to discuss the incident with the member present.

  • If deemed appropriate and the bullied rider consents, the police may be consulted.

  • The bullying behaviour will be investigated and the bullying addressed quickly.

  • Initially, and if appropriate, attempts will be made to mediate the situation and to help the bully (or bullies) change their behaviour.

  • If mediation fails and the bullying is seen to continue the club will initiate disciplinary action, where appropriate under British Cycling’s Disciplinary Procedures.


A microaggression is where someone is made to feel belittled, denigrated or offended due to the behaviour of another.

The person making a microaggression may be unaware of the impact of their behaviour and language, but microaggressions can also be intentional ways of exerting power over other people. Their impact can be that people feel unwelcome or unequal as part of the club.

Microaggressions often relate to a protected characteristic and/or something specific to an individual, where someone is disproportionately targeted or singled out, consciously or subconsciously, based on who they are. In our case, microaggressions are most likely to be related to cycling.

Cycling related microaggressions include:

  • Saying ‘You’re a real cyclist now’ in reference to a member’s ride or achievement. This may be well meant - as a compliment - but can imply that the member did not merit being considered a cyclist previously.

  • Derogatory comments about a fellow member’s kit or attire, even if meant in good humour or as ‘banter’.

  • Being overly critical when a member breaches a minor piece of cycling etiquette: many of our members have not experienced a cycling club before and are still learning what’s expected of them.

  • Belittling a member’s ride or achievement by comparing it in a negative (rather than positive) way with someone who has gone further, faster or harder: we all have different abilities, skills and limits of endurance.

  • Complimenting someone with a qualifier, e.g."You're a good rider for a girl/gay/short person/person of your age/person of your size"

All members should be conscious of their language and the unintentional or subconscious effects it can have. Members should feel empowered to gently, but firmly challenge microaggressions as they happen - whether they are affected directly or not. This can be more effective in changing behaviours.

Members can also report microaggressions using the ​incident form​, ​incident log​, or by emailing ​

Rachel Linn and Robbie de Santos are the Women’s and Men’s Club Welfare Officers respectively. You can email or reach them via WhatsApp if you would like to discuss a situation in the club where you think our policies or code of conduct have been breached. Robbie and Rachel will always treat each report sensitively.

Safeguarding at Hub Vélo CC

It is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk from abuse and to take action when made aware of the risk of harm. Hub Vélo CC has a legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of:

  • All children (under 18s) who engage in Hub Vélo CC, including the children of adults that are members of Hub Vélo CC

  • All adults at risk who engage in Hub Vélo CC activities.

Our policy applies to all club members and those who volunteer with the club. We aim to:

  • Establish and maintain an environment where all members feel safe and secure and where they are encouraged to talk and be listened to.

  • Ensure all members understand their safeguarding responsibilities, and how to escalate any to the club welfare officers and the authorities in an emergency situation.

  • Raise awareness of safeguarding issues and equip members with the skills and knowledge required to keep themselves safe.

  • Develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting suspected cases of abuse.


Child: A​ nyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. In this policy ‘children’ is taken to include young people up to 18 as defined by the Children’s Act 1989.

Adults at risk: I​ n this policy this term is as defined in the Care Act 2014 (England), the Social Services and Well-being Wales Act (2014) and The Safeguarding of

Vulnerable groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 and is summarised by the Charity Commission (England) as anyone aged 18 or over who:

  • has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and

  • is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect

  • as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.

An adult at risk may:

  • Have an illness or injury affecting their mental or physical health.

  • Have a learning disability.

  • Suffer from drug or alcohol problems.

  • Be frail.

We also recognise that in respect of sporting activity a person is regarded as a vulnerable adult if they are receiving any form of medical care or therapy, such as being treated by a physiotherapist or is receiving a service or participating in an activity that is specifically targeted at people with age-related needs or disabilities.

In our case particular note should be taken of riders who may have sustained a concussion after falling off their bike. A concussion is often difficult to spot and any rider who is suspected of concussion should be escorted home and be assessed by a medical professional.

What is abuse?
A form of maltreatment of a child or adult. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child or adult by inflicting harm (abuse), or by failing to act to prevent harm (neglect).

Children or adults may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children. They may be abused offline, online or a combination of both.

What could give you cause for concern:

A child or an adult at risk in Hub Vélo discloses abuse or neglect to you

A child or adult at risk in Hub Vélo is abused during a club activity, e.g.:

  • They are bullied (including physically, verbally, excluded, or being constantly undermined) by an adult involved in a Hub Vélo activity.

  • hey are sexually harassed or assaulted by an adult involved in a Hub Vélo activity.

A child or adult at risk in Hub Vélo is neglected in a club activity, e.g.:

  • Is dropped on a non-drop ride.

  • Isn’t wearing sun cream on a summer’s day.

  • Isn’t sufficiently hydrated/fed on a club ride.

  • Is wearing inadequate clothing for the weather.

A child or adult at risk in Hub Vélo shows any of the following signs:

  • Showing unexplained changes in behaviour or personality.

  • Becoming withdrawn.

  • Seeming anxious.

  • Becoming uncharacteristically aggressive.

  • Lacks social skills and has few friends, if any.

  • Poor bond or relationship with a parent.

  • Knowledge of adult issues inappropriate for their age.

  • Running away or going missing.

  • Sudden increase in money or goods.

  • Bruises or marks that suggest injury.

What to do if you have any concerns

I​f you have concerns about the behaviour of an adult towards a young person or vulnerable adult, or someone approaches you to make a disclosure please take the following steps:

  • Record as many of the details as you can and keep any information you receive confidential, only disclosing it to the club welfare officers and/or the police.

  • Do your best to reassure the individual that they have done the right thing in coming to talk to you.

  • Do not promise to keep the matter a secret.

  • If someone is in immediate danger contact the Police on 999.

Otherwise, contact either of the club welfare officers:

Robbie de Santos

Rachel Linn

(phone numbers available via WhatsApp groups)

Preventing safeguarding risks

Good riding etiquette and practice is a key part of preventing safeguarding risks for children and adults at risk: it means looking out for everyone on the ride, making sure everyone sticks together, is hydrated, prepared for the weather, and rides well together.

Currently in Hub Vélo CC there are only a handful of under 18 riders, who are welcome to join the club rides. All under 18s (or their parents) need to identify themselves to the ride leader at the beginning of the ride. When under 18s are present we ask that all members participating in the ride:

  • Ensure that no adult member is ever alone with an under 18.

  • Ensure the welfare of under 18 riders throughout the ride, ensuring they return all the way to the shop. Under 18 riders should never be dropped from a ride, even if the ride is advertised as a ‘drop ride’.

  • Ensure under 18 riders are properly equipped for the ride (ie. appropriate clothing for weather conditions, sufficient food and drink).

Under 18s cannot join club WhatsApp groups, except the announcement group (Hub Vélo Rides and News).

Although these points are specific to under 18 riders, they are principles that also apply to adult members who are at risk, which could include adults who are not confident or experienced in riding longer distances.

If you are at all concerned for the welfare of any of our members please contact one of the club welfare officers:
Robbie de Santos

Rachel Linn

(phone numbers available via WhatsApp groups)

Data Protection Policy

When you become a member of Hub Vélo CC or renew your membership with the club you will be registered for an online account with British Cycling. If you have joined Hub Vélo CC in the shop, we will provide British Cycling with your personal data which they will use to enable you to access an online portal (called “My Dashboard”) on the British Cycling website. British Cycling will use your personal data in accordance with its Privacy Notice which can be accessed at​.

British Cycling will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your dashboard (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with British Cycling, please contact ​​.

Only the Club Secretary, Membership Secretary and the Communications Officer have access to the data you have provided via your membership.

We will use the contact details supplied via your membership to send club email updates via the British Cycling email system. We will not send marketing communications via email, unless it relates to your club membership.

In club communications
As a club member your information may be shared on the club website, social media pages or in emails sent by the club. This data will only be shared in the event that you are a club volunteer, have participated in a race or challenge event or have recorded a major achievement. This data will be limited to your name, race results (if applicable) and details of your achievement. Limited further information about you may be included; for example, whether you have participated in a juniors’ race or a women’s race.

Third party providers
Hub Vélo CC limits the number of third-party providers it uses for organising club events, such as Eventbrite. Where we use thirty-party providers, we aim to collect minimal personal data, delete data after the event, and logins are restricted to the relevant committee members. Where you enter your data on third-party providers, you do so according to the privacy and data protection policies they set out.

Social Media Policy

Social media channels (including WhatApp groups) are a great way for club members to connect with each other and for us to promote club activities and ​Hub Vélo CC​ encourage our members to use them.

However, we recognise that they can be misused. All social media platforms that use the name of ​Hub Vélo​ CC or the affiliated organisations such as Hub V​é​lo should promote the ethos of the club. ​Any concerns over the misuse of social media platforms should be reported to a member of the Committee.

Club members will receive emails from the club through the British Cycling platform.

Only the Secretary, Membership Secretary and Communications Officer are able to send emails.

Instagram​, ​Facebook​, ​Website
These channels are open to the public, and used to publish items of interest to the club, its members and the local cycling community. Only designated Committee members have access to post on these platforms (the Media Officer, Communications Officer and Social Secretary).

Hub Velo CC ​Ride with GPS​ and ​Strava
These groups are open only to Hub Vélo CC club members. Members are verified against club membership records by the admins. Only designated Committee members have admin access to these groups and can post events and messages.

We have a number of WhatApp groups:

  • Hub Vélo Chat is open to all adult members and all adult members may post in the group.

  • Hub Vélo Rides and News is open to all members but is a ‘broadcast only’ group, allowing one way communication from the Committee to members to promote club activities.

  • Both of these groups are deleted each year and updated as people re-join the club.

  • Member-led social media groups (see below).

Member-led social media groups

Members can create WhatsApp groups for specific social riding (e.g. Women’s, CX, training). While these are not official Hub Vélo CC channels, members using these groups must still ensure that Hub Vélo CC’s values are upheld. Safeguarding and bullying policies still apply, even if the Committee does not oversee these accounts.

Any member taking part therefore has a responsibility to act on and report any behaviour which creates concern. We also encourage admins to promote the groups monthly in the Hub Vélo CC Chat WhatsApp to ensure that members have the chance to join and to avoid cliquiness.

While members of the Committee will inevitably be members of some or all of these groups, they will not be actively monitoring content. Any concerns or complaints should be reported to a Committee member.

Only adult members should join member-led social media groups.

Appropriate use of social media

The Committee retains ownership of and claim to all Hub Vélo CC social media accounts and channels and any account or channel bearing the club’s name.

Authorised members may be made administrators of social media accounts or channels at the discretion of the committee, and these privileges may also be withdrawn at the discretion of the Committee. By default, ownership of and administrative rights to Hub Vélo CC social media accounts or channels rest with the Communications or Media Officers.

The Committee may refuse or revoke a member’s access to or membership of our social media accounts, channels or platforms or accounts, channels or platforms bearing the club’s name if they are misused.

Misuse of social media includes:

  • Posts or messages containing profane or offensive language or images.

  • Bullying, micro-agressive or oppressive behaviour.

  • Inflammatory, excessive or overly negative criticism or belittling of individuals, events, race directors, teams, sponsors, volunteers or organisations related to racing or training (constructive and reasonable criticism is encouraged and welcome, as it promotes an open and transparent club culture).

  • Misappropriation of the club’s name by setting up social media accounts bearing the name of the club without the agreement of the Committee (excluding member-created WhatsApp groups).

  • Refusal to close a club social media account or channel or a social media account or channel bearing the club’s name if asked to do so by the Committee.

  • Refusal to hand over administrative rights or ownership of a club social media account or channel or a social media account or channel bearing the club’s name when asked to do so by the Committee.

  • Any other behaviour which could reduce the club’s control of our social media accounts, bring the club into disrepute on social media or portray the club in a negative light through social media channels.

Last updated: August 2024.