Coronavirus update

Face masks made by our kit partner Santini Cycle Wear

Face masks made by our kit partner Santini Cycle Wear

Riding a bike is a great way to stay active, look after your mental health and make day-to-day journeys, but unfortunately we can’t run our club rides and events while maintaining effective social distancing.

All of our rides and events are therefore currently suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

We are keeping a close watch on the situation and Government guidance and we will restart our rides and events as soon as it is safe to do so.

When we can, we’re moving events online and our club dinner and awards have been postponed until larger social gatherings are possible again.

We strongly encourage our members to support each other as much as you can, follow all Government guidance and the FAQs on the British Cycling website.

One of the best things about our club is that we are a community. If you are a member self-isolating and need practical help, such as a delivery of food shopping or medicine, please do ask for help in the Hub Velo Chat WhatsApp group or contact a Committee member.

If you have any questions or concerns, please write to our Welfare Officers on

Happy riding and stay healthy.


Our AGM: Your club needs you!


Club kit update