The Chairman’s Last Ride

This Saturday marks the final Espresso-fuelled sprint around Essex for current Hub Velo CC Chairman, Andrew Russell, before he sadly departs for Australia after an outstanding three-year tenure at the helm of Hub Velo CC.

But before Andrew swaps Lea Bridge Road for Akuna Bay, we grabbed a pint and went through the gears one last time to get his thoughts on leadership, leg power and his love affair with Hub Velo CC.

What are your earliest memories of joining Hub Velo?

It was the roasting hot summer of 2018, I just moved to London from Edinburgh. I walked to the shop and was greeted by Gary, Mike and other mechanics. I started chatting to them about bikes, riding in Essex, and they suggested that I go on a Wednesday ride with the club. My first ride was on the 1st of August 2018 and the love affair started there.

When are you happiest on a bike?

When the sun is shining on a beautiful route, you have a nice tailwind, and spending time with mates. Maybe even grabbing a beer together after!

Most treasured memories of your time with the club?

Meeting and getting to know the members on and off the bike. Representing HVCC in numerous races. There have been lots of great socials. The trip to Alpe d’Huez, the summer BBQ, the annual awards night. Plus numerous talks, pub trips and cafes. There’s too many to mention.

Let’s talk a bit about leadership. What’s been your proudest achievement with the club?

Every Saturday, it always fills me with a lot of pride to see, hear and chat with members about their rides, life and their love for cycling. One of the biggest challenges as Chairman is making sure that every member has an opportunity to fully embrace and enjoy the club. 

Surviving Covid and the pandemic is right up there with our proudest achievements. The club worked tirelessly to ensure every member has the opportunity to escape the pressure of the Covid-19. This allowed people to release some of their stress, feel unburdened and enjoy moments of pure happiness. 

What’s the best trait in leadership?

Setting the standards that you expect from yourself, which allows others to follow your example. 

What would you love to see happen at the club in 2022?

A successful race series, more social engagement, greater involvement in the community, and getting more people into cycling. 

How would you like your Chairmanship to be remembered?

Creating the foundations of the club to allow it to be a success for many years to come, creating a club with a culture of doing the right things and putting members first.

OK, now let’s have some fun. What’s been your most embarrassing moment on a bike?

Getting my pedal stuck and falling over outside the shop in front of all the members one Saturday morning.

Who’s the club member you love to lead a ride?

Gary Boyd! 

… and the club member you most love to drop on a climb?

Too many to mention ;)

If you could invite anyone onto a Double Espresso ride, who would you be?

Mark Cavendish or Tao Geoghegan Hart

Watts or KMs?

There is a place for both.

Best place for a coffee and cake

Hub Velo, of course

Favourite route

Lanes, Lanes and more Lanes

Any closing remarks as Mr. Chairman…

“It fills me with great sadness that I will be leaving HVCC to move to Australia. However, as a member and departing Chairman, it will still give me great joy to know that every Saturday morning there will be flashes of yellow, white and black charging through the lanes of Essex and further afar.

It is also special to hear the sound of freehubs, chatter and laughter being had with a group of mates with a shared passion. Hub Velo CC is truly a special place where I have found friendship, a safe sanctuary, and the ability to grow on and off the bike.

Without you, the members, we would not have this club. It is imperative that this is a member-led club, where the members have a voice and an opportunity to shape this club in an environment, and community, where everyone is welcome no matter the gender, race or creed.

As club members, you must work tirelessly to ensure that each and every member has a smile on their face, an opportunity to continue to do the thing they love, and experience amazing things on and off the bike. 

My final request to you all is to get involved as much as you can, help to shape the club and create something bigger than you. You won't regret it, trust me!”

This is honestly one of the most wonderful clubs and communities that I have ever been part of. Please treasure it. Long Live Hub Velo CC!
— Andrew Russell, Hub Velo CC Chairman, 2020-2022

Strade Bianche di Essex 2022


Winter Social: February