Hub Velo CC takes on RideLondon

This Sunday, a group of Hub Velo CC members will be among 30,000 riders aiming to complete the 100 mile RideLondon route that loops around Essex before finishing on the iconic London Bridge.

For many people, Sunday will be the first time they record a century of miles on a bike, but for several of our members, their motivations aren’t about setting a time, but raising critical funds for charity.

Claire Newbigging, who is riding for Brain Research UK, has a special connection with her challenge.

Claire says: “It was hard to choose a charity. There are so many deserving causes out there. I lost my younger brother to a brain haemorrhage, so I want to help Brain Research UK because of the importance of its neurological research.

Prior to signing up, the furthest Claire had cycled was 30 miles. She added: “This is a major step up for me, so I really hope this cause inspires me to keep pedalling in memory of my brother. My goal is to simply complete it… and cycle the additional 10 miles home afterwards!”

Anthony Jarrett, Matt Roughley, and Caspar Dixon, who is praying for sunshine and avoiding potholes on Sunday, are all raising money for Mind, the mental health charity.

“I'm sure anyone reading this will know someone who has suffered terribly with their mental health, whether it be friends, family, work colleagues, or even themselves. I certainly do.” said Jarrett.

Mind report that each year, 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem. Such is the nature of mental health, it is not always obvious that someone is struggling or experiencing problems. 

Anthony is a Ride London veteran having done it twice already, in 2016 and 2018. His big goal is to reach a £1000 fundraising target, but also try and better his 5 hour 1 minute personal best.

He added: “Choosing Mind to support was an absolute no brainer for me.  I have already exceeded my £450 target set by Mind. With one last push this week, I am hoping to hit £1,000. Raising this dosh and doing something I absolutely love at the same time gives me great satisfaction in the knowledge that I will be helping more people with mental health problems get the support they need and the respect they deserve.”

Caspar said: “Mental illness is a horrible, stigmatised condition that is so common in our lives today. I’m excited to make the most of the traffic free roads amongst like-minded people, and to try and raise some much-needed money for a great cause.”

Matt, who has been working in NHS mental health teams in East London for six years, is excited about the challenge to break the 100-mile barrier for the first time. He said: “My goal is to complete it – it’s my longest ride to date – I’m a bit worried about the soreness in my bum whilst sitting in the saddle for longer than ever before though! I chose Mind because it advocates at both a local and national level, and provides so many important services for people suffering with their mental health, and to their families too.”

For anyone anyone planning to ride with another person – Anthony’s tip is to wear something distinctive so that you pick each other out in the crowds. He said: “It was chucking it down and blowing a gale in 2018, and if it wasn’t for the pink gilet of my buddy, I would have lost him after about mile 10. This year, the HVCC club kit should do the job!!!”

If you would like to support any of our members with their fundraising targets this year, please click on the links below:

Claire Newbigging

Anthony Jarrett

Caspar Dixon

Matt Roughley


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