Coronavirus update: December 2020

Face coverings made by our kit partner Santini Cycle Wear

Face coverings made by our kit partner Santini Cycle Wear

On 2 December London came out of another lockdown into ‘Tier 2: High Alert’ which also covers Essex (Including Southend and Thurrock) and Hertfordshire.

This puts us into essentially the same position as before the current lockdown, with riding in groups of six permitted with ‘one metre plus’ mitigation. The additional restriction is around cycling in ‘Tier 3: Very High Alert’ areas, which is being allowed if your route passes through, but with the advisory that you should not stop in these areas for a break.

Please also note that some areas of Essex and Hertfordshire still have very high infection rates, including Chigwell, Harlow, Basildon and others, so it would be advisable to avoid these areas if possible and not stop for a break. You can check which areas have high infection rates using the interactive map.

Unfortunately this means that all of our rides and events are still suspended and we will not be running our organised weekly club rides for the time being.

However, we again actively encourage members to use the HVCC WhatsApp group to organise rides among yourselves. Our Social Secretary Stephen McKee has also been posting some great routes of different lengths and abilities over the last few weeks for members to go out and enjoy.

We ask that no rides meet or finish at the Hub Velo shop. The ice rink on Lea Bridge Road is an ideal place to meet up as the car park is a large open space.

If you are wearing club kit, please also use your discretion! Riding down Lea Bridge Road in a group of six is fine, but if your group comes upon another group in front, please try to make an allowance for this, maintain distance and not join up the groups, which would reflect badly on the Shop and Club within our local communities.

Please find below the links to the updated guidance from British Cycling and the Government:

British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance

Tier 2: High alert Government Guidance


Hub Velo Route Library


AGM and Committee UPDATE