Inaugural Hub Velo CC Annual Awards - 2018 Season

On a mild spring evening, situated atop Martello Hall was Hub Velo CC’s first ever Annual Awards. 

Small plates, bubbles and Hackney’s finest brews filled the tables through the evening, and we held a big prize draw with a brand new Stevens road bike courtesy of Hub Velo as the grand prize.


It was certainly a refreshing change seeing each other in anything but our club kit, and we polish up well (even if we say so ourselves!).

Big congratulations and well done to our prize winners for their achievements through the year:

Hub Velo Rider of the Year 2018 - Calvin Cheung

Riders Rider of the year - Karen Tostee

Club Member of the year - Kevin Whitlock

Promising Newcomer of the year - Enrico Guizzardi

Ride leader of the Year - Stephen McKee

Best young rider of the year - Alessandro Sella

Most improved ride of the year - Kai Robinson

Male CX ride of the year - Adam Coffman

Femal CX ride of the year - Anoushka Minale

TT ride of the year - Gary Boyd

Male Road Race Rider of the year - James Somerfield

Female Road Race Rider of the year - Karen Tostee


Hub Velo 2019 Christmas party